Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #315

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips in now online – Tired Tavern: 25 Alternatives To Taking The Table In The Corner. The main article this week gives you a number of ideas to ‘spice up’ the time honored tradition in most role-playing games to start, end or at least visit a tavern during the course…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #314

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips in now online – Generating Books. The main article in this issue is a lenghty but interesting read into what books actually are, how they evolved and then concludes the discussion with a random generation system to create books and provides some samples. In the reader tips the item…

Encounter Idea 22 – The Drunk

Not every role-playing encounter needs to be serious and using a drunk can give you that change of pace. Be sure to make it a memorable experience though, slur your words when you speak, get up and stagger around the table and make large arm motions when you talk. This a great opportunity to ‘ham…

How much time do you spend preparing?

I’m sure you seen and read a number of articles on how much time a GM should spend getting ready for a gaming session but the question needs to be asked of players too. Are you ready to go when you show up? I’m not just talking about bringing your favorite snack with you along…