Now Online – Roleplaying Tips Issue #369
The latest issue of Role-playing Tips, #369 features a guest article from Kit Reshawn,Four Common Pitfalls for New GMs
In the feature Kit goes over four common issues that we as GMs frequently run up against, the first on in particular I’ve been guilty of – I had an NPC save the party on a couple of occasions and the group began to feel cheated so I faded the NPC into the background over a couple of sessions. I would also suggest taking a good look at Pitfall #4, PC Death, figure it out ahead of time how you’re going to handle it so that everyone is on the same page at the beginning and you’ll save yourself a lot of grief should it happen.
Also take a couple of minutes and check out the reader tips. I found the tip call “Stranger Than Fiction” of particular interest as it show how you can use your day to day life as source material for events in your campaigns. There are also some pictures associated with the 3D props tip which are worth a look to get some ideas on what you can do to pull your game out of the 2D world of “just maps.”
–> A Brief Word From Johnn
–> This Week’s Tips:
Pitfall 1: Cooler Than Thou Syndrome
Pitfall 2: Let Each Player Shine
Pitfall 3: The Clue Bat
Pitfall 4: Player Character Death
–> Readers’ Tips Of The Week:
1. Stranger Than Fiction
2. Reminder – Give PCs Meaningful Choices
3. Borrow Ideas From Movies
4. Use 3D Props
You can read Issue #369 online here.
If you don’t already subscribe I would recommend it, you can do that here.
May your dice roll well.