Knowing when to say goodbye

We’ve all been there at one time or another – we know deep down that it’s time to move on, but we continue to hold on, hoping that things will get better, or you still bask in the accomplishments of old.
Such is the case with Rylon.
Back at the beginning of the year I took part in a blog carnival and wrote, New Year New Game, in which I stated that instead of going out to buy a new game system I was going to build a new campaign and use my old campaign Rylon as the basis. The thought was full of good intentions, but here were are in June, and I’ve barely done any work on the new campaign. While there are many external factors involved, I think a good portion of the stagnation is Rylon itself.
So why is Rylon part of the stagnation problem?
I find myself reliving the campaign when I sit down to start. I go back over the memorable characters, battles, the highs and lows, what I wanted to accomplish and what fell short. I even find myself reading the post series Rylon – a Postmortem.
Going back over things is good, but I’m really starting to feel that it’s holding be back from truly getting started.
So, for the good of the game, I’m saying goodbye to Rylon and starting work on a new location. Will there be elements of Rylon in it? I’m sure there will be, as that experience has colored what I do, but it will be different.
May your dice roll well.