Has it really been 15 years?

Yes, yes it has.
It all started back on December 23rd, 2005 with a post about the beginning and my hopes to have a place to share my tips, tricks, and thoughts about gaming. It’s hard to believe that the site continues to this day.
There have been lots of ups and down, long stretches without any posts, periods where I posted frequently, and everything in between. I’ve shared tales from my own gaming experiences and pulled apart my own campaign with a post-mortem of the Realms of Rylon. I’ve also written about tools ranging from software to the simple index card. It’s been an interesting 15 years.
As I look forward I can’t say what the future will hold and I haven’t been very good with my forecasting. I know that this blog will be here for as long as folks keep coming back. I plan to continue being the hub for the RPG Blog Carnival (did you sign up to host in 2021?) and hope to see it grow from where it is today. I’ll be looking at ways we can get the RPG Blog Alliance back on track to help folks find new and interesting blogs to read, and maybe a podcast or two to listen to.
I’ll also be looking to update the site, it’s been a long time since it’s been updated and I might even post an article or two along the way.
Once again, thank you all for stopping by, sharing your thoughts, and of course for playing the games that we have all grown to love.
May your dice roll well!