Happy Birthday to of Dice and Dragons

Happy 18th Birthday
of Dice and Dragons
18 years ago today
It’s hard to believe that 18 years ago I wrote the very simple post The Beginning and started this part of my online journey and I want to thank all of you who stop by, despite the lack of regular writing, to see what’s going on.
I also have to say that the last 18 years have also given me a chance to meet some great folks that also like to gaming and write about gaming. You are all remarkable, and I thank you for sharing and letting me be a part of your worlds as well.
2023 seems like a turning point
I can say it, this site is a tiny fish in a big pond. While it’s been around a long time, the traffic and readership had been on a downward run for several years. I know that part of that is the lack of posting and while I start every year with the plan to write more, life offline and off table, seems to get in the way.
Despite that, 2023 saw a slight increase in traffic year over year – breaking the several year downward trend of traffic to the site I can only say thanks again to those that continue to stop by, and the continued return of the RPG Blog Carnival.
The RPG Blog Carnival
Yes, the Carnival is still alive and well and seems to be starting to gathering steam.
In 2017 the Carnival moved here to of Dice and Dragons and while the hub page has always been among the top pages visited on the site, this year marks the first time it has been #1 far surpassing last year’s visited rate. Those visitors have also brought new hosts to the mix as well as some new bloggers sharing their work, continuing one of the main goals, to share content and help others discover that content.
Shameless plug, the 2024 Carnival still needs hosts, take a look at the Carnival page and consider signing up.
Onward to 2024
While I don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future, I do know that the Carnival will continue to travel around the internet and that the site is going to stay online. As for other plans . . .
I’m hoping to update things around the site, get things a bit more consistent for those visiting, continue to clean up the vast amount of “dead links” on the site. I’m also hoping to write a bit more and join in a few more Carnivals, as well as continue to support and advertise it.
Thanks again to all those that continue to stop by, check in and make sure I’m still “alive and kicking,” and share your work online – it’s what makes us a community.
May your dice roll well.
Thanks for continuing to host the hub, I have greatly enjoyed 2023’s Blog Carnival and would be really interested to read your own takes should a topic strike your fancy.
Ah yes, my own takes on the Carnival topics, it’s something I’m hoping to be able to do as time marches forward. The last few years have been a bit difficult for me, both offline and off table – hoping that 2024 will be a shift in a more positive direction.
Oh, man, Congratulations! Now that it’s 18, we can have a drink, haha!
Almost, where I am the drinking age is 21 but we’re getting close!