D&D NPC Generation Tool
One of the things that most GMs need to do frequently is generate NPCs and Jamis Buck has come up with a tool that will allow you to do this online.
This tool is aimed at D&D 3.5 and allows you to select a number of options including specific classes (up to three), races and the number of NPCs you need generated. You can also choose to have the output done in a “stat-block,” or an abbreviated format. In addtion to the stats you can have the tool give you motivations for the NPC as well.
In the tests I’ve run the tool is very quick, I generated 100 NPCs at a time. The results showed a pretty good sampling of both PC and NPC classes and a wide range of stat scores as well – I ran with all options set to ‘All’ and the ‘Best 3 of 4d6’ for stats.
One cool feature that isn’t mentioned and won’t be seen until you generate an NPC is that for spell-casters a list of spells is generated as well – a real time saver.
I would recommend this if you are in need of some “stock” NPCs that you can grab and go with but would recommend you spend the time to do the major NPCs by hand.
You can check out Jamis Buck’s NPC generator 2 at http://www.aarg.net/~minam/npc2.cgi.
May your dice roll well.