Building the Resource

Last month the RPG Blog Carnival touched on the topic of posts from the past and while it didn’t generate a lot of response it did cause me to think about this blog as a whole. Why does it exist? Why should I keep it up? Where is it going?
While I’m still pondering those questions, it was something that Mike over at Campaign Mastery said in his post that has hung with me.
That makes CM a Resource for the gaming community, something I take a lot of pride in.
I never really thought about this blog that way and Mike’s word struck a similar cord in me. This tiny blog has been around for over 16 years (yes, here’s the first post) and it includes links to all kinds of content on the internet as well as my own thoughts and opinions. More importantly, it gives a historical glimpse into the types of writing and topics that have been touched on over the years.
It’s also now showing just how little is still available, or preserved on the internet as well. It’s something we can all help with, both individually and as a community.
Consider this post your call to arms!
On your own site, start to go back through and work on fixing those broken links or missing links. I know this site as far too many to count and I’ve started the work on that. The Way back machine can help with that. If a link doesn’t work there might be one in the archive you can link to. Which is something I am now doing with the RPG Blog Carnival Archives. I’ve started towards the very beginning, building on what was mentioned during last month’s carnival and have started adding the links I can find. Alas, there are still some posts that appear to be lost to time but I’m hopeful that there are many more still to be found.
I’ll be adding another post shortly with what you can do, even if you don’t create content or own a blog to help preserve the work that so many in the community deserve to see, even after a site goes offline.
May your dice roll well!