Filling the Empty Chair [Review]

It happens to all of us, we move, our friends move, college ends, the list goes on and it always leads to that most dreaded of all opponents at the gaming table . . . . The empty chair. To slay just that opponent I would suggested heading over to and picking up a…

Roleplaying Tips Celebrates Upcoming Issue #500 with a Contest

I’ve often mentioned it, written for it and even took a turn as editor at one point (thanks for the opportunity Johnn) and now am pleased to see Roleplaying Tips about to hit a major milestone – issue #500. To celebrate this event Johnn Four is running a contest – he’s collecting city encouter ideas,…


It’s alive! The Blog that is.

For those that subscribe to of Dice and Dragons, you probably saw an email or saw a series of posts show up in your reader over the last 24 hours and already had a suspicision that something was going on. Well, after 11 months of hiatus I’ve decided to breath some life back into my…