Put a cork in it! October 2016 Blog Carnival Wrap-up
The RPG Blog Carnival has long since moved on and I would like to give a belated thanks to all those that stopped by and shared a “bit of the brew,” with everyone.
The theme was potions, and some shared a bit of what they’ve been simmering over the fire.
6d6 RPG kicked things off with a potion for many an occasion, which gave us a six-pack plus one of potions to try – some with interesting ingredients and side effects.
Leicester’s Ramble gives us Temperamental Potions. You really need to read this to understand what these potions can do, and the temperamental he’s referring to here is not the potion’s disposition.
A Plethora Of Perilous Potions were presented by Lizard’s Gaming Blog. The three potions are written for the Pathfinder system but could easily be used elsewhere. The potions are interesting and to be honest I haven’t seen their like elsewhere.
Some gave us plot ideas or a bit of education.
The Watch House gave us a twist and combined the classic Dr. Jekyll formula with a bit of modern spin, read up on the ideas that can happen when a lab accident occurs.
RPG Geek gave us a six-pack, but not potions. Instead, we get six educational tidbits about potions that can be used just about anywhere (I’m liking the idea of expiration dates).
Leicester’s Ramble gave us a second posting with a bit of education on what could cause Corrupted Potions and includes a table of possible corruption effects.
For those that play FATE, check out Doom Rides’ post, Potions and Patent Medicine. There’s a lot of interesting material there and should be of use to anyone who plays that system.
Over at Campaign Mastery, the topic of “How Long Should Potions Last?” is the topic discussed. The post is also the anchor post for the November RPG Blog Carnival topic, “An Ordinary Life.” There are a lot of good ideas in the post and it is well worth the read. I especially like the postscript, maybe the characters have just been lucky until now . . . .
Of Dice and Lan give us another taste of those potions that may not have been mixed quite right in their post, Common Side-Effects of Imperfect Potions. After a bit of background, a number of tables are included for your use – be sure to check them out.
Roleplaying Tips chimed in with, The Potion Factory For Fun Faction Finagling. The idea is interesting and definitely has its place in a GM’s tool bag, could also prove interesting if the players get their hands on that forge.
And sometimes it’s not really a potion.
Check out the Sea of Stars’ entry, Alchemical ReAgent, which gives us a new monster related to what could happen with all that potion work going on.
So there you have it, the wrap up for the October RPG Blog carnival, my apologies for taking so long to get it posted.
May your dice roll well.
I also did some potions and magic items for the Carnival too:
Four Cornered Flask: https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/2016/10/25/tuesday-magic-item-four-cornered-flask-for-pathfinder-and-dd5/
Puissant Warrior Elixir: https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/2016/10/18/tuesday-magic-item-puissant-warrior-elixir-for-pathfinder-and-dd5/
Potency Boosting Syringe: https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/2016/10/11/tuesday-magic-item-potency-boosting-syringe-for-pathfinder-and-dd5/
“Dogs of War” Potion: https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/new-magic-item-dogs-of-war-potion-for-pathfinder-and-dd5/