
October 2017 Blog Carnival – Superstitions!

UPDATE: The Carnival has moved on, if you missed it you can catch up by reading the wrap-up.  It’s October, when the spooks, sprites, and darker things come out at night, and the RPG Blog Carnival stops by to set up shop for the month at of Dice and Dragons! Welcome, all! This time around…

October 2016 Blog Carnival – Potions!

It’s October and as the goblins and ghouls begin to spend more time out and about of Dice and Dragons welcomes back the RPGBA Blog Carnival. This year the topic of choice is POTIONS! So break open your cauldrons or your chemistry set and share your favorite concoctions, recipes and let’s try not to singe…

October 2015 – They’re Gone! The Blog Carnival Wrap Up

I want to thank everyone that shared the strange things that could wander into town during the month of October. From Tales of the Loreweaver we found ourselves with some Unwelcomed Guests, but I’m not sure how they held up against the Giant Figgin’ Spiders (and Scorpions) from the World Builder Blog. Our friends at…

Person, place or thing? What do you use to get started?

Often the hardest thing to do when you get started on a new project, whether it’s a new campaign, story arc, or even a session, is to find inspiration. So my question to all of you is what do you use for inspiration? Whether you go to your favorite novels, movies, or music, I think…