New Player Tutorial Released at WotC

The Wizards of the Coast have released another installment of their new player series, this one focuses on race. The article is a quick read but does cover a number of important points about making that all important decision, “what race do I want to be?” It talks about taking into account the type of…

Encounter Idea 26 – The Crusader

Mention the term crusader and visions of knights in shining armor and the battles over Jerusalem come to mind. In fact the movie Kingdom of Heavenshowed that very stereo-type. Of course if that’s what you’re going for then by all means use it but as I’ve often stated in this series – you don’t have…

of Dice and Dragons Now Listed on Effie’s Great Wyrm

Check it out! My blog is now on Effie’s Great Wyrm site under the GM Guides and Toolkit, House Rules and Advice section. You’ll want to check out the full listing in that section of the Great Wyrm site as there are lots of great sites that are part of the same group. Sites such…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #332

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips is now online – Interesting Combats With Themed Skirmish Groups, Part 2. The most recent issue of this e-zine finishes up the two part series by Johnn Four about themed groups. It also includes a few interesting reader tips and a new link section. Contents: –> A Brief Word…

RPGNow and DriveThruRPG Merge

From the press release: Atlanta, GA, Thursday, October 25, 2006 – RPGNow and DriveThruRPG announced today that the two leaders in the digital delivery of electronic roleplaying games have merged together to form a new company called OneBookShelf. If you would like to check out the site here’s the link: The full press release…