Role-playing Soldiers Need Our Help

I just received an email pointing me towards a posting on Jae Walkers’ blog, Game = Life – Supporting Our Troops In a Whole New Way. This is something outside of the realm of politics and policy, it’s a simple request from the troops in Iraq for some help to put on a gaming convention…

Miniatures – do you use them?

Almost every role-playing group has used miniatures, or minis, in one form or another. Sometimes they’re the lead figures most are familiar with, other times they’re plastic, or maybe even a piece of card stock paper with your character’s name on it, but in all cases they do the same thing – represent where you…

Ask Wizards Stumpers

Happy April Fool’s Day! There are many, many April Fool jokes being played today and rather that add yet another one I thought I would pass along an interesting webpage over at the Wizards site: Ask Wizards Stumpers, The Unanswerable Questions. This weekend marks the one year anniversary of the start of their ‘Ask Wizards’…

Have some fun – check out BrickQuest

Every once in a while you need to take a break from your regular game so that you can recharge your batteries or just to try something new – it keeps your regular game from getting stagnant. In my wanderings across the Internet I came across BrickQuest, and it fits the bill as being something…