Wizards Announces 4th Edition D&D

At this point most everyone is aware of the announcement made at GenCon about the release of 4th Edition D&D, for those that haven’t and need a quick overview check out the write up at Gaming Report. I would like to hear thoughts and opinions on this – will your group rush out and pick…

A New Site for Worlds of Cthulhu

Worlds of Cthulhu, http://www.worldsofcthulhu.com/ has announced their new revamped website which includes information about upcoming issues as well as support materials. From their website: ‘Worlds of Cthulhu’ is a magazine dedicated to supporting the Call of Cthulhu, Call of Cthulhu d20, and Cthulhu Dark Ages roleplaying games published by Chaosium, Inc. It is published by…

Happy Birthday Treasure Tables

Congratulations to Martin Ralya on the Treasure Tables‘ second birthday! For those that haven’t had a chance to stop by it a great site that features in addition to a daily blog from Martin about GM issues and tips there’s also a user forum full of useful information and ideas. To celebrate Martin is also…

Site updates and changes

A quick post to let everyone know of a few changes I’ve made today. First, I’ve lifted the restriction that only registered and logged in users can leave comments. For some I know this isn’t an issue but after giving it some thought over the last six months or so I’ve determined that by lifting…

RPGSpaces opens its doors

Update: It would appear that RPGSpaces has shut down as their URL redirects to the standard GoDaddy page for domains that are not in use. While attempting to catch up on all my email and news feeds I came across an announcement about a new social networking site for the RPG community, RPGSpaces. It’s still…