Blog updates via Twitter

Update: The blog has its own Twitter feed now @ofdicendragons. For those of you that use Twitter you can now get a “tweet” when a new posting goes up here. Just follow me: and when a new post goes up you’ll be notified. I’m still going to have the RSS feed and email updates…

Congrats to the Chatty DM

My apologies for being a bit late to this party but congrats to the Chatty DM, Philippe-Antoine Ménard on reaching his 300th post – I wish you many more to come. I have to admit seeing others blogging about gaming and hitting their milestones, whether it be a certain number of posts, RSS readers or…

Paizo to publish Pathfinder RPG

This is no small announcement in my book, in a break from Wizards the folks at Paizo have decided to publish their own RPG based on the 3.5 OGL and SRD – Pathfinder RPG. I caught this “little” piece of news first on Critical Hits and then saw it again on Trollsmyth so I figured…

Another Legend Passes

I had hoped to post something over the last few days but was unable to due to the workload at my job but in the midst of my reading tonight I came across the announcement that Arthur C. Clarke passed away. Most will remember him for his outstanding science fiction contributions, in particular 2001: A…

A legend passes . . . . . Farewell Gary Gygax

It is with sadness that I pass along this bit of news to those that may not have heard yet – Gary Gygax one of the co-creators of D&D has passed away. I think I can speak for many that without him our hobby and outlook on gaming would be very different and he will…