Tag Your Pages with Sticky Notes

In July of last year I mentioned that when you’re updating your role-playing character sheet you should note the rulebook pages (see this post) but you could also take this a step further but tagging those pages with a sticky note. Most folks have access to the typically sized note (about 3 inches square) but…

Use index cards to mark rounds

Those of you that have been reading my posts for a while know that I’m big on using index cards for gaming purposes. Not just for taking notes but also for tracking items as well. Most GMs have a screen they use to keep certain things hidden from their players, it also makes a great…

Improving Your Storytelling – Provide Choices

So often when you’re setting up a plotline or campaign as a GM we often lose sight of the fact that it is the players that need to get the most out of it, not the GM. I’m as guilty as the next when it comes to planning a plotline down to the last detail…

Mark Page References to Save Time

It doesn’t matter which side of the GM screen you play on anything you can do to save time with paperwork it more time you can spend gaming. If you’re a player take an extra minute or two when you’re updating your character sheet to include the book and page number for that new feat,…

Use Sticky Notes to Track Expendable Items

In a past post I mentioned using sticky notes for tracking memorized spells and since you’ve already got the sticky notes out why not use them for expendable items as well. I’m not suggesting this for single shot, once and done, type itmes (although you could if you wanted to) but for those items that…