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Gnomes beat the Kobolds – enjoy the rewards!

Those guys with the pointy red hats have won another victory, this time over the Kobolds of Kobold Quarterly and we get a chance to enjoy the spoils! From now until February 9th, 2011, you can down load, for free, a past issue of Kobold Quarterly and enjoy all the goodness it contains from the…

Holidays in your Campaign?

As we enter into the holiday season I thought the question should be asked; do you include holidays in your campaign planning? For my part I typically plan the holidays when putting together my gaming world but rarely have the characters observe them. Why would you add a holiday or two to your campaign? For…

Providing Choices to your Players [revisit]

I was weeding through the comments posted a couple of days ago (I had a big influx of visitors thanks to Twitter) and a post that I had made back in 2006 came up – Improving Your Storytelling – Provide Choices – the comment was from Leet_Master_Ace: Could you provide an example? I’m guilty of…

Pen, Paper, Index Cards and a Cellphone?

About a month ago the folks at Gnome Stew had an interesting post entitled I Love My Tiny Notebook which talked about the fact that as a gamer (particular those of us that GM) we frequently have ideas pop into our heads and by having a notebook with us we can write them down for…

Snow covered cemetery

Realms of Rylon Postmortem – The Ugly

So far I’ve covered the good, and the bad, so now I’m going to cover the ugly. These are the things that I felt went from bad to worse, and on some level I think contributed to the ending of the campaign. These are also the items that seemed to come up time and again…

Use a Wiki for your Gaming Group

The folks over at Gnome Stew posted today about using a Wiki for your gaming group in their post: Group Lovin’ For Your Wiki. After covering the basics of what a wiki is they dive into the uses for your campaign and start by addressing one of the main strengths of a wiki, documentation. As…