A ticket booth

The RPG Blog Carnival has a new Box Office

While the Blog Carnival moves from place to place each month, there needs to be a central location, or “Box Office,” where everyone can go to find out what’s going on. For the last three years, Johnn Four, of Roleplaying Tips fame has been the keeper of the keys, and has, in my opinion done…

October 2017 Blog Carnival: Superstitions – The Wrap-up

October 2017 Blog Carnival: Superstitions – The Wrap-up

The Carnival has moved on but for those that missed it, or want to check out one of the many contributors we had last month, I give you the quick “the wrap-up.” 6D6rpg.com kicked things off with a trio rituals in their post: A Carnival of Superstitions Hereticwerksakes provide us with some insight  on the Superstitions in…


October 2017 Blog Carnival – Superstitions!

UPDATE: The Carnival has moved on, if you missed it you can catch up by reading the wrap-up.  It’s October, when the spooks, sprites, and darker things come out at night, and the RPG Blog Carnival stops by to set up shop for the month at of Dice and Dragons! Welcome, all! This time around…

Waving farewell to 2016

Waving farewell and moving onto 2017

It is with mixed emotions that I wave good-bye to 2016. In some respects the year was a complete disaster and on other fronts I would say it was a complete success. This year saw a great deal of personal struggle including losing a family member, seeing my wife continue her health struggles with yet…

Put a cork in it! October 2016 Blog Carnival Wrap-up

Put a cork in it! October 2016 Blog Carnival Wrap-up

The RPG Blog Carnival has long since moved on and I would like to give a belated thanks to all those that stopped by and shared a “bit of the brew,” with everyone. The theme was potions, and some shared a bit of what they’ve been simmering over the fire. 6d6 RPG kicked things off…

October 2016 Blog Carnival – Potions!

It’s October and as the goblins and ghouls begin to spend more time out and about of Dice and Dragons welcomes back the RPGBA Blog Carnival. This year the topic of choice is POTIONS! So break open your cauldrons or your chemistry set and share your favorite concoctions, recipes and let’s try not to singe…