Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issue #352

The latest online issue of Role-playing Tips #352 is available – Know Your Players – Building Your Session Checklist In this issue (the first of two) Johnn, gives GMs a reminder about a very useful tool that often goes overlooked – the checklist. Johnn goes beyond just listing out those items that should be on…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issue #351

The latest online issue of Role-playing Tips #351 is available – How To Craft And Use Superstitions To Enhance Your Game Johnn gives us some great information and tips this week related to superstitions. He starts off by explaining what they are along with why you would want to include them in your campaign. Afterwards,…

Have some fun – check out BrickQuest

Every once in a while you need to take a break from your regular game so that you can recharge your batteries or just to try something new – it keeps your regular game from getting stagnant. In my wanderings across the Internet I came across BrickQuest, and it fits the bill as being something…

Evernote for Your Spell List

Just recently I’ve had the opportunity to return to the player side of the role-playing table and found myself in need of a method of tracking many different things, among them a spell list. For those that have been following the posts here for a while know that I’ve had many tips and suggests on…

Tag Your Pages with Sticky Notes

In July of last year I mentioned that when you’re updating your role-playing character sheet you should note the rulebook pages (see this post) but you could also take this a step further but tagging those pages with a sticky note. Most folks have access to the typically sized note (about 3 inches square) but…