October 2014 Blog Carnival: Things that go bump in the night

  From goulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties And things that go bump in the night Good Lord, deliver us! – The Cornish and West Country Litany, 1926 Update: The blog carnival is over – be sure to check out the wrap-up. Once again into the darkness of the All Hallows Eve the RPGA Carnival…

April 2014 Blog Carnival: The Game Master’s Binder – That’s a Wrap

April 2014 Blog Carnival: The Game Master’s Binder – That’s a Wrap

It may have taken a while for the posts to come but thanks to those that contributed to this month’s blog carnival The Game Master’s Binder. After my initial offering which covered my use of Evernote as my GM Binder we were privileged to hear from another half dozen bloggers on the topic. Over at…

My GM binder? Evernote of course!

UPDATE: After many, many moons of using Evernote and looking to use it for my next campaign I’ve shifted gears and am moving to Microsoft’s OneNote Product – you can read about it in the Starting a new tome, moving to OneNote post.  So for this month’s blog carnival we’re taking a look at one…

April 2014 Blog Carnival: The Game Master’s Binder

April 2014 Blog Carnival: The Game Master’s Binder

For some, creating it was a rite of passage. For others, it was a project that was never completed. For all, it was something we poured our lifeblood into creating and held it as a prized possession. The Game Master’s Binder Many of us started our GM career simply using a few sheets of paper…

Planned Server Maintenance

I’ve been notified by my hosting company that they are doing server maintenance tomorrow night, January 22, between the hours of 8-10 PM MST. During that time period it is expected that this site will not be accessible for about 15-30 minutes along with my email. Hopefully all goes well and the outage will be…

Happy Birthday #8 – State of the Blog

It’s hard to believe that as I write this of Dice and Dragons is turning eight and as I have done the last few years (here’s a link to 2012 and 2011 for comparison if you’d like)  I’m marking the occasion, as I have in past years, with a look back at the last year….