What makes a good Dungeon Master

What makes a good Dungeon Master?

Those of us that sit around the gaming table often talk of days gone by. We talk of sessions when there were legendary battles fought and epic tales were told. When you look back at those sessions, what do they all have in common? A Dungeon Master at the top of his game. Over at…

July 2015 Blog Carnival: Weapons of Legend

They are unique, mythic, and transcend the mere ordinary, they are . . . Weapons of Legend and they are also the topic for this month’s RPG Blog Carnival. When someone speaks of a legendary weapon most folks immediately go to those that have been called out in stories for centuries or popularized in the…

RPG Blog Alliance Logo

Carrying on the RPG Blog Alliance Tradition

As many are aware, and as mentioned here, the existing RPG Blog Alliance is closing, in fact it is due to shut down in just a few days. A number of members expressed a desire to have the RSS feeds placed in a file that they could then import into a newsreader of their own…

Person, place or thing? What do you use to get started?

Often the hardest thing to do when you get started on a new project, whether it’s a new campaign, story arc, or even a session, is to find inspiration. So my question to all of you is what do you use for inspiration? Whether you go to your favorite novels, movies, or music, I think…

Plot Hooks – be careful not to have too many

  I came across another interesting post at Reality Refracted talking about plot hooks and asking the question, “How many should you have?” A.L. does a great job of making the argument that you should have as many plot hooks as you can handle as a GM: If possible, the GM should have infinite plot hooks…