Snow covered cemetery

Realms of Rylon – The Postmortem

I mentioned in my postĀ Prepping for a New Game that instead of starting by diving right into the creation process for my next campaign I was going to do a postmortem, or review, of my last campaign The Realms of Rylon or Rylon for short. Here we are three months later, so I figured I…

Improving Your Storytelling – Provide Choices

So often when you’re setting up a plotline or campaign as a GM we often lose sight of the fact that it is the players that need to get the most out of it, not the GM. I’m as guilty as the next when it comes to planning a plotline down to the last detail…

Improving Your Storytelling – Build Characters not Stats

Let me ask a question, when you create your NPCs for your role-playing game which do you grab first, the Game Master book. the Player book or a pad of paper? The correct answer here is the pad of paper. I can hear the outcry now about the need for stats, equipement and spell lists…

Improving Your Storytelling – Act the part

At this point you’re probably thinking, “what does this all have to do with improving my storytelling when my role-playing group gets together?” While it is true that I haven’t touched on what most writers and gamers would expect in this group of posts, these topics are very important because storytelling isn’t just the story,…

Improving Your Storytelling – Describing Locations

In my last posting (click here) I stated that one of the things you should be doing to improve your storytelling ability is to open up a book and read. While that is important and it allows you to experience others methods of description you have to also do it yourself. Which is why my…

Improving Your Storytelling – Open a book

I mentioned yesterday that I was going to start sharing my thoughts on the topic of improving your storytelling as a role-playing GM and the first item I want to share is you need to open a book. Now before you go running off, I mean a reading book, not your gaming rulebooks, not the…