RPG Blog Carnival

With the New Year comes a New Carnival!

In the event you’ve been living under a rock, the calendar has flipped, a new year and a new decade has started but that’s not all! Our next blog carnival has started. The topic for the January 2020 carnival is Random Encounter Tables and it’s being hosted over at Geek Native. Be sure to head…

RPG Blog Alliance Logo

RPG Blog Alliance Membership List Now Online

It’s been a long time coming and it is something that has been missing since we shifted the Alliance off the old site – a listing of the members of the RPG Blog Alliance. So as the holiday season rolls along allow me to give the RPG community a gift, the current membership listing of…

RPG Blog Alliance Logo

The future of the RPG Blog Alliance

As many are aware, Google+ is closing its doors and with it the community that we were using as the base for the RPG Blog Alliance (RPGBA) will be going with it. As the “keeper of the keys” so to speak I’ve been giving this some serious thought and feel that it’s time to morph…

Waving farewell to 2016

Waving farewell and moving onto 2017

It is with mixed emotions that I wave good-bye to 2016. In some respects the year was a complete disaster and on other fronts I would say it was a complete success. This year saw a great deal of personal struggle including losing a family member, seeing my wife continue her health struggles with yet…

RPG Blog Alliance Logo

Carrying on the RPG Blog Alliance Tradition

As many are aware, and as mentioned here, the existing RPG Blog Alliance is closing, in fact it is due to shut down in just a few days. A number of members expressed a desire to have the RSS feeds placed in a file that they could then import into a newsreader of their own…