Snow covered cemetery

Realms of Rylon Postmortem – The Good

This is the second post in my series – be sure to check out the first post, Realms of Rylon – The Postmortem. When most folks start out reviewing something they’ve done, there seems to be an instinctive need to focus on those aspects that might seem negative or needing improvement, so I’ve decided to…

Snow covered cemetery

Realms of Rylon – The Postmortem

I mentioned in my post Prepping for a New Game that instead of starting by diving right into the creation process for my next campaign I was going to do a postmortem, or review, of my last campaign The Realms of Rylon or Rylon for short. Here we are three months later, so I figured I…

Rules and Player Character Death

After posting my last article Establish a Rules Policy – Part 2 a comment was left by Ooklamok which included a few questions about what do you do if the ruling you are discussing would kill a PC. From his comments: If the outcome of a rule “discussion” is going to effect something major (i.e….

Use Index Cards for Treasure Items

I’ve mentioned a few different ideas on how you can use index cards to help better organize your game and wanted to pass along another quick tip, use them for treasure items. When the party comes across an item hand them a card with just the physical description on it such as a bottle, a…

Closing Plot Doors

Over at Treasure Tables Martin made the following statement in his posting PC Backgrounds: Opening and Closing Doors If you imagine the hooks and plot elements in the PCs’ backgrounds as open doors, it’s a good idea to close those doors during play. A very true statement which I thing all GMs should take heed…