RPG Blog Carnival Update – November 2022

RPG Blog Carnival Update – November 2022

Hail and well met! If you’ve recently stopped by, you may have seen the post about Ending an Era as I get ready to bring the RPG Blog Alliance to a close – but fret not! The RPG Blog Carnival isn’t going anywhere, except to a new destination each month. In fact, you have a…

RPG Carnival – What would you like to know?

RPG Carnival – What would you like to know?

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we’re on the verge of the summer months where many take time away from work to spend with family and friends (keeping a proper social distance when needed). There are others though that take this time, when others are occupied, to delve into their craft and find that new nugget…

First Blog Carnival of 2018 Underway!

First Blog Carnival of 2018 Underway!

The beginning of every year brings a fresh start and in some cases, fresh snowfall (at least here on the East Coast of the US). It also brings with it a new season for the RPG Blog Carnival, and our first host, Renaissance Gamer, has already kicked things off with this month’s topic, Tabletop Gaming…

RPG Blog Alliance Logo

Carrying on the RPG Blog Alliance Tradition

As many are aware, and as mentioned here, the existing RPG Blog Alliance is closing, in fact it is due to shut down in just a few days. A number of members expressed a desire to have the RSS feeds placed in a file that they could then import into a newsreader of their own…

Favor role-play over roll-play

I come across a lot of interesting posts and pieces of information as I wander across the Internet and came across a post Simple is Good by Troll Lord of The Dens. It’s a short post that talks about the the fun he recently had with a weekend full of gaming, something I think all…

Getting your campaign material in order

It’s been a topic of discussion here more than once and if you get even just a couple of GMs together it’s bound to come up – how to best organize your campaign materials. Jackson Malloy over and Sword and Scoundrel (got to love that name!) brought up this topic with his post Organizing Campaign Materials. Jackson,…