Heroforge 4.0.4 Released

Heroforge, the popular Excel-based character management tool, has been officially released in its newest version. Originally created by Chris Mathieu and supported by Shannon Greene, Heroforge has become one of the most popular and most downloaded free character management tools for everyone’s favorite third edition d20 fantasy role-playing game. This newest version was created by…

Encounter Idea No. 2 – The Cat

Here’s the second in my year long weekly series of encounter ideas for your role-playing enjoyment, this week we encounter the cat. While the party is sitting at the favorite watering hole, inn or simply walking down the street a cat wanders by. The cat might be a calico, a persian, a short or long…

Use those index cards

They’re inexpensive, portable and hold up well – so why don’t more gamers and GMs use them? Almost every role-playing game lends itself to their use. Spellcasters can put spell information on them while those that use weapons can use them not only to list their weapons but also any special features and ammunition. They’re…

Encounter Idea No. 1 – Funeral Procession

If one thing is certain when it comes to role-playing games is that you’re going to have encounters. Some good, some bad, some where the players come out on top and still others where the NPCs seem to have the upperhand. After reading the ongoing thread on the gmmastery mailing list I decided that an…

crop man with pen and opened notebook

A Guide to Taking Good Session Notes

Running an effective and enjoyable campaign requires a lot of organization. Many GMs have volumes of information about the campaign they’re running–maps, NPCs, histories, cultures, the list goes on. Unfortunately, all that information can be unwieldy when running a session. Even worse, you can’t remember what information you’ve already given the players, the plot line…