Encounter Idea 18 – The Juggler

We’ve all see them and I think everyone finds that when a juggler is performing well it is an enjoyable experience. As the party is walking through town have one begin a performance or have a member of the party notice it and be drawn to it based on what they are juggling. Some things…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #309

Issue #309 of the Role-playing Tips E-zine is now online – Myth Crafting is now online contains: CONTENTS: –> A Brief Word From Johnn –> This Week’s Tips: 1. Keep It Simple 2. Two Approaches To Developing A Plot 3. Establish A Conflict 4. Gods Are NPCs Too 5. Apply Your Traits To The Basic…

Improving Your Storytelling – Build Characters not Stats

Let me ask a question, when you create your NPCs for your role-playing game which do you grab first, the Game Master book. the Player book or a pad of paper? The correct answer here is the pad of paper. I can hear the outcry now about the need for stats, equipement and spell lists…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #308

Issue #308 of the Role-playing Tips E-zine is now online – Baby Steps In Campaign Setting Design is now online contains: CONTENTS: –> A Brief Word From Johnn –> This Week’s Tips: 1. Set Your Minimums 2. The Baby Steps Technique 3. Making A Second Pass 4. Keeping Secrets 5. Briefing Your Players 6. New…

Encounter Idea 17 – The Mercenary

Regardless of the role-playing system you play, no matter the genre or time there are always those that live by hiring themselves out to do the “dirty work” of others. Sometimes it is service in the military, a elite unit, or just a job where their skills are the ones needed. This encounter could present…

Registration now required for comments

The role-playing community is one of the best that I know of when it comes to sharing information but unfortunately that openness can create problems for websites. Over the last week I’ve been experiencing an increase in the amount of comment spam on this blog and to combat this I’ve turned back on the requirement…