Encounter Idea 24 – The Noble

Nobility has its rank and privledges even in a role-playing game. In many campaigns (especially fantasy based ones) encountering a member of nobility more often than not seems to be a “run of the mill” type event but it should really be much more. First off make it hard for the characters to meet with…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #317

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips in now online – Lessons from the LARP. The main article goes into ideas that can be taken from LARP (Live Action Role Play) and applied to your gaming table, well worth the read. There are a number of reader tips as well this week and include ones on…

What D&D Character Are You?

Do you know? You can take the quiz by clicking here. For those interested, here’s how I came out: I Am A: Chaotic Good Gnome Mage Thief Alignment:Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #316

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips in now online – Maintaining Your GM. Don’t let the issue title fool you, the main article is more about working with your GM by providing them with the material they need to make the campaign a success as well as helping out and acknowledging thier efforts. I would…

Encounter Idea 23 – The Diplomat

In most role-playing games the object is to have the characters in the game travel from place to place, overcome obstacles, get the treasure and increase their power level. That’s all well and good but what happens when you need to introduce something other than a simple “dungeon crawl?” One suggestion would be to move…

Use Sticky Notes to Track Expendable Items

In a past post I mentioned using sticky notes for tracking memorized spells and since you’ve already got the sticky notes out why not use them for expendable items as well. I’m not suggesting this for single shot, once and done, type itmes (although you could if you wanted to) but for those items that…