
The Portable Gamer

No, this isn’t a post about the latest hand-held game system, it’s about the new category of posts that I will be adding to the blog. One of the things that my current gaming group is going to be doing is alternating locations – something we’ve done very rarely in the past but now will…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issues #338 & #339

I’ve been kept away for a while due to offline world issues and missed letting you know about the last two issues of Roleplaying Tips Weekly being posted, so here you go. Issue #338 – How To Awesome-Up Your Players. This issue’s tips hold no punches and get right to the point – a good…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issue #337

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips is now online – 10 Tips For Crafting Adventure-Based Holidays, Part 2. This is the second of two articles by Johnn concerning using holidays as a basis for an adventure – as always it’s good stuff with both advice and examples. Be sure to check out the user submitted…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #336

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips is now online – 10 Tips For Crafting Adventure-Based Holidays, Part 1. This is the first installment of Johnn’s article on using holidays as a basis for adventures. Among the tips is one that touches on a common theme here, index cards. Johnn also announced a new contest –…