The reward doesn’t have to sparkle

It’s often overlooked but not every reward handed out needs to be a shiny and sparkly item. Of course, that’s the way the rules seem to be written that way, every time you accomplish something there needs to be a monetary reward attached, but as Creighton Broadhurst points out on his blog, that doesn’t have to…

Big group? No problem, split them up and have them help

Ed over at Geek Native recently wrote about something that many GMs would love to have an issue with – an overfilled gaming table. While most of us would be happy and more than capable of handling a group of players in the 3-6 range, Ed found himself with 10 players around his table. Most of…

The closing of an era – Good-bye RPG Blog Alliance

Today is a sad day. Today I received an email in my inbox announcing that at the end of April the RPG Blog Alliance will cease operations. While I am saddened to see the Alliance close down as it’s been the source of a lot of interesting reading over the years, I am also glad…

Home-brew seems to be the way to go

A couple of weeks back I asked folks if they prefer home-brew or published settings and I would like to first thank those that took the time to comment on that post (or on Google+) – I really appreciate it. It would seem, based on the responses, that readers of the blog lean toward the…