Final Setting at Treasure Tables?

For those that missed it in his posting, Treasure Tables is Unlikely to Continue, Martin states that after taking the 39 days off from posting (he reran previous postings during that time frame) he’s decided that he will most likely end his run with the Treasure Tables blog. There was a part of me that…

How can I make of Dice and Dragons better?

I realize it’s been a while since my last post and you have my apologies for that. Looking at my blog here and getting ready to get back into the swing of posting more frequently I realized that the most important consideration I need to make is “what do you want?” So here’s your chance…

Roll them bones or point and click?

With so many GMs and players having laptops at the table it becomes an item for discussion, do you roll dice on the table or point and click on the computer? There are definite advantages for using the computer at the table. For starters you don’t have to worry about dice falling on the floor…

Ziggurat Con a Success

It’s nice to see that not even what is going on in the Middle East can stop gamers from getting together and sharing their hobby. As reported at Ziggurat Con was a success and those that were involved should be congratulated for not only pulling this off but for also introducing new players (as…