
The Portable Gamer

No, this isn’t a post about the latest hand-held game system, it’s about the new category of posts that I will be adding to the blog. One of the things that my current gaming group is going to be doing is alternating locations – something we’ve done very rarely in the past but now will…

of Dice and Dragons Now Listed on Effie’s Great Wyrm

Check it out! My blog is now on Effie’s Great Wyrm site under the GM Guides and Toolkit, House Rules and Advice section. You’ll want to check out the full listing in that section of the Great Wyrm site as there are lots of great sites that are part of the same group. Sites such…

RPGNow and DriveThruRPG Merge

From the press release: Atlanta, GA, Thursday, October 25, 2006 – RPGNow and DriveThruRPG announced today that the two leaders in the digital delivery of electronic roleplaying games have merged together to form a new company called OneBookShelf. If you would like to check out the site here’s the link: http://www.onebookshelf.com/. The full press release…

Registration now required for comments

The role-playing community is one of the best that I know of when it comes to sharing information but unfortunately that openness can create problems for websites. Over the last week I’ve been experiencing an increase in the amount of comment spam on this blog and to combat this I’ve turned back on the requirement…