
Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issue #357 is now Online

Issue #357 of Role-playing Tips Weekly is available online – 9 Spheres Of Influence My Broad RPG Planning Checklist In the latest issue posted to the site Johnn goes over his 9 Spheres of Influence which forms a type of checklist that he uses when he’s planning. It’s his ‘top down’ approach to his RPG…

Official D&D Game FAQ Updated

Wizards have updated the FAQ for D&D and for those that are using the Tome of Battle or Dungeonscape you may want to grab a copy. There are three class updates, The Crusader and Swordsage from Tome of Battle and the Factotum from Dungeonscape. In addition there are some updates related to Maneuvers and Stances…

Wizards’ Consolidated List in Spreadsheet Form

If you’re familiar with the Wizards’ website you know that they maintain a consolidated list of resources to make it easier to find that class, race or reference. The issue is that it’s online which makes it difficult to use when you’re not connected to the Internet. I’ve always thought this resource would be nice…

The Hunt for The Supernatural is on!

It looks like there’s going to be another role-playing game on the market as Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. has reached an agreement with Warner Bros. Television and DC Comics to produce a game based on the television show Supernatural. From the news clip: The role playing game will offer an exciting game experience, as well…