Happy Birthday #8 – State of the Blog

It’s hard to believe that as I write this of Dice and Dragons is turning eight and as I have done the last few years (here’s a link to 2012 and 2011 for comparison if you’d like)  I’m marking the occasion, as I have in past years, with a look back at the last year….

A Custom Google+ URL for the Blog

I received the email today that of Dice and Dragons could have it’s very own custom URL on Google+. So for those that want to bookmark it or would like to check the account out the new URL is: http://google.com/+ofDiceandDragons. I haven’t done a lot with the location but I’d be interested from all of…

Need an NPC? Get your copy of 3 Line NPCs

If you’re like many Game Masters you want to fill your world with memorable characters. Those characters that stick in the minds of your players long after the campaign is over and the PCs have been put away (my group will never forget Pix, but that’s another story). Sometimes trying to fill in all those…

Happy Birthday!! – State of the Blog

Happy Birthday!! – State of the Blog

Happy Birthday!! Today marks the seventh birthday of Dice and Dragons, and with it the opportunity to take a look back at the last year to reflect on what was done and to set another round of goals for the upcoming year. I mentioned this milestone last year and I thought I would do a…

Six years old today – State of the Blog

Another year has passed and of Dice and Dragons has reached the age of six – Happy Birthday! One of the nice things about birthdays is that they come every year and you can make them as special or as bland as you want. Over the last six years I’ve mentioned this milestone on occasion,…