RPG Basilicus Community Launched

I just received the following from Mark Havenner on the FRPGC mailing list. After careful deliberation on the perfect implementation, I am proud to say that the RPG Basilicus community is launched and I am eager to get the Free RPG community involved in it. As you may or may not know Basilicus (http://basilicus.wikia.org) is…

My OpenOffice Character Spreadsheet

In my last post I mentioned that while there are a number of character sheets available I use a spreadsheet to track my character’s particulars. While it takes a bit of work upfront, the dividends are well worth it. With the way I’ve set things up making a change to an ability score adjusts other…

Updated Character Sheets Available at Wizards.com

Wizards has released updated character sheets for use with their D&D system. If you use Tome of Magic, Tome of Battle or Dungeonscape you might want to stop by the webpage and check them out. In addition they’ve also posted the record sheet from the Magic Item Compendium. If you do download any of these…

The Portable Gamer – Tip #2 – Use a USB Drive

While role-playing games are pen and paper most gamers are now turning to the computer to assist them with running their campaigns and tracking their characters. To that end I would recommend that you pick up a USB drive. Why? There are a variety of reasons for going this route, first off it allows you…

Ask Wizards Stumpers

Happy April Fool’s Day! There are many, many April Fool jokes being played today and rather that add yet another one I thought I would pass along an interesting webpage over at the Wizards site: Ask Wizards Stumpers, The Unanswerable Questions. This weekend marks the one year anniversary of the start of their ‘Ask Wizards’…