Establish a Rules Policy – Part 2

In case you missed it, be sure to check out Part 1 of Establish a Rules Policy. In part 1 of **Establish a Rules Policy we looked at the printed materials and determined versions, supplements and the need to set an order of precedence – the only problem is, not everything is covered by the…

Establish a Rules Policy

There are few things that can destroy an evening of role-playing as quickly as a rules argument and while your group may not have encountered this particular beast at the gaming table it’s worth looking at. Every group will be different but you should lay some ground rules on the gaming rules you’ll play by…


Importing the SRD into Freemind

This was topic was originally published in Roleplaying-Tips as a Reader Tip (Use FreeMind For SRD Import) but I thought it was worth walking through it one more time, with a few more screen captures to help show the whole process. Please be aware that while the “official” release of Freemind is at 0.8.0 I’m…

Use Index Cards for Treasure Items

I’ve mentioned a few different ideas on how you can use index cards to help better organize your game and wanted to pass along another quick tip, use them for treasure items. When the party comes across an item hand them a card with just the physical description on it such as a bottle, a…

Issue #372 of Role-playing Tips is now online

In issue #372 of Role-playing Tips, 5 Room Dungeons + Contest Johnn introduces us to his concept of laying out a dungeon with just five rooms. Even for those of you who do not play in a system that uses dungeons the concept is valid, just replace dungeon with building, spacecraft or your venue of…