Encounter Idea 19 – The Mob

In most role-playing environments the heroes come home, tell their tales, spend their money and then they are off again onto the next adventure. The question then has to be asked, what repercussions are there on the community? In a lot of cases they may not be good – higher costs as more money flows…

Encounter Idea 18 – The Juggler

We’ve all see them and I think everyone finds that when a juggler is performing well it is an enjoyable experience. As the party is walking through town have one begin a performance or have a member of the party notice it and be drawn to it based on what they are juggling. Some things…

Encounter Idea 17 – The Mercenary

Regardless of the role-playing system you play, no matter the genre or time there are always those that live by hiring themselves out to do the “dirty work” of others. Sometimes it is service in the military, a elite unit, or just a job where their skills are the ones needed. This encounter could present…

Encounter Idea No. 16 – The Preacher

This week’s role-playing encounter idea is ‘The Preacher.’ You’ve probably played in a game where there is a character class that draws power from a diety such as the Cleric in D&D and while they have their place the preacher is the mundane version of those classes. The preacher is an individual who works to…

Encounter Idea No. 15 – The long lost relative

In a number of role-playing groups little to no attention is ever payed to the character’s family. Do they have any brothers or sisters? Are mom and dad still alive? What about grandparents? Aunts and Uncles? Are any of the characters married with or without kids? Since little is usually done in this area it…

Encounter Idea 14 – The Know-it-all

This week’s entry in our role-playing encounter idea collection is the ‘Know-it-all’. Almost everyone has met this type of individual, no matter what the question they have an answer for it along with a (usually lengthy) explantion of why their answer is correct. They also have a gift for coming up with a story to…