Encounter Idea 25 – Wolf!

I think just about anyone who can remember their own childhood or have kids of their own know a few tales concerning wolves (The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood). Of course most of us are also familiar with the stories of werewolves whether it’s been from a book or a movie they…

Encounter Idea 24 – The Noble

Nobility has its rank and privledges even in a role-playing game. In many campaigns (especially fantasy based ones) encountering a member of nobility more often than not seems to be a “run of the mill” type event but it should really be much more. First off make it hard for the characters to meet with…

Encounter Idea 23 – The Diplomat

In most role-playing games the object is to have the characters in the game travel from place to place, overcome obstacles, get the treasure and increase their power level. That’s all well and good but what happens when you need to introduce something other than a simple “dungeon crawl?” One suggestion would be to move…

Encounter Idea 22 – The Drunk

Not every role-playing encounter needs to be serious and using a drunk can give you that change of pace. Be sure to make it a memorable experience though, slur your words when you speak, get up and stagger around the table and make large arm motions when you talk. This a great opportunity to ‘ham…

Encounter Idea 21 – The Soldier

Wars are fought, nations rise and fall, fortunes are won and lost and through it all stands the individual that protects the land and people on behalf of the government – the soldier. Before introducing this individual to your role-playing group spend a few minutes to think about his appearance (armor, weaponry, unit insignia and…

Encounter Idea 20 – The Undertaker

Have you noticed that in almost every role-playing game the spectre of death is always close at hand but the individual who handles the arrangements for the body and funeral is never mentioned? I’m sure you’ve seen the stereotyped undertaker, if you haven’t, rent almost any old western and you’ll see him. More often than…