Wizards’ Consolidated List in Spreadsheet Form

If you’re familiar with the Wizards’ website you know that they maintain a consolidated list of resources to make it easier to find that class, race or reference. The issue is that it’s online which makes it difficult to use when you’re not connected to the Internet. I’ve always thought this resource would be nice…

Horizon Walker Prestige Class Examined

The folks over at Wizards continued their ongoing look at the different classes both base and prestige today by taking a look at the Horizon Walker. What is nice about the column is that they take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of the class and give you idea about how to play them,…

Updated Character Sheets Available at Wizards.com

Wizards has released updated character sheets for use with their D&D system. If you use Tome of Magic, Tome of Battle or Dungeonscape you might want to stop by the webpage and check them out. In addition they’ve also posted the record sheet from the Magic Item Compendium. If you do download any of these…

Official D&D Game Rule FAQ – Updated

For those of you who might have missed it, Wizards released the latest version of their FAQ for D&D. The PDF file, which is zipped for download is 95 pages in length the the usual red text on a gray background to call out new additions to the FAQ. On a quick scan I didn’t…