Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #304

Issue #304 of the Role-playing Tips E-zine is now online – Take Ten: Balance is now online and the issue contains: CONTENTS: –> A Brief Word From Johnn –> This Week’s Tips: 1. Exploring Underground 2. Exploring Wilderness 3. Perilous Travel 4. Flatfooted 5. The Chase Is On 6. Overcoming Defenses 7. Espionage 8. Athletics…

Encounter Idea 12 – The Wandering Minstrel

This is one of those role-playing encounters that could happen anywhere. The party could encounter this individual on the road traveling somewhere or while they’re enjoying a mug of their favorite drink at their local watering hole. In either case this is an opportunity for the GM to use some of his creative juices. If…

Improving Your Storytelling – Open a book

I mentioned yesterday that I was going to start sharing my thoughts on the topic of improving your storytelling as a role-playing GM and the first item I want to share is you need to open a book. Now before you go running off, I mean a reading book, not your gaming rulebooks, not the…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #303

Issue #303 of the Role-playing Tips E-zine is now online – Running Faster Combats is now online and the issue contains: CONTENTS: –> A Brief Word From Johnn –> This Week’s Tips: 1. Communicate 2. Time Yourself 3. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance 4. Manage Initiative Smartly 5. Draw Maps Quickly 6. Limit Conversation 7….

Encounter Idea No. 11 – The Fortune Teller

No role-playing game is complete until you’ve had a fortune teller. Of course the fortune teller doesn’t have to be the typcial gypsy like woman you peers into a crystal ball, it could also be: – A child who “sees things” and is escorted by a protector or bodyguard (possibly related) – A elderly man…