Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issue #337

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips is now online – 10 Tips For Crafting Adventure-Based Holidays, Part 2. This is the second of two articles by Johnn concerning using holidays as a basis for an adventure – as always it’s good stuff with both advice and examples. Be sure to check out the user submitted…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #336

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips is now online – 10 Tips For Crafting Adventure-Based Holidays, Part 1. This is the first installment of Johnn’s article on using holidays as a basis for adventures. Among the tips is one that touches on a common theme here, index cards. Johnn also announced a new contest –…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #335

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips is now online – GMing Car Chases. The most recent issue of Roleplaying Tips has been posted and it is in response to a request for tips in running car chases. There are a lot of good ideas with examples in this issue which is a little longer but…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issues #333 & #334

The latest pair of issues of Role-playing Tips are now online – Card-Based Tools For RPGs – Part 1 & 2. They are issues #333 and #334 respectively. The two issues provide you with a number of useful tips, with examples, on how you can use a variety of card-based items to help GM your…

New Player Tutorial Released at WotC

The Wizards of the Coast have released another installment of their new player series, this one focuses on race. The article is a quick read but does cover a number of important points about making that all important decision, “what race do I want to be?” It talks about taking into account the type of…

Encounter Idea 26 – The Crusader

Mention the term crusader and visions of knights in shining armor and the battles over Jerusalem come to mind. In fact the movie Kingdom of Heavenshowed that very stereo-type. Of course if that’s what you’re going for then by all means use it but as I’ve often stated in this series – you don’t have…