Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #305

Issue #305 of the Role-playing Tips E-zine is now online – Getting Player Feedback is now online and the issue contains: CONTENTS: –> A Brief Word From Leslie –> This Week’s Tips: 1. Ask For An NPC List 2. Ask For Sub-Plots 3. Ask For Plot Arcs 4. Ask For Boundaries 5. Resolving Contradictory Plot…

Encounter Idea 13 – The Ghost

So here we are at role-playing encounter idea number 13, one fourth of the way there! This week’s encounter idea is ‘The Ghost.’ This idea can spark many role-playing opportunities provided of course that you give the ghost the ability to communicate with the group beyond a simple moaning sound. To start things off you…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #304

Issue #304 of the Role-playing Tips E-zine is now online – Take Ten: Balance is now online and the issue contains: CONTENTS: –> A Brief Word From Johnn –> This Week’s Tips: 1. Exploring Underground 2. Exploring Wilderness 3. Perilous Travel 4. Flatfooted 5. The Chase Is On 6. Overcoming Defenses 7. Espionage 8. Athletics…

Encounter Idea 12 – The Wandering Minstrel

This is one of those role-playing encounters that could happen anywhere. The party could encounter this individual on the road traveling somewhere or while they’re enjoying a mug of their favorite drink at their local watering hole. In either case this is an opportunity for the GM to use some of his creative juices. If…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #303

Issue #303 of the Role-playing Tips E-zine is now online – Running Faster Combats is now online and the issue contains: CONTENTS: –> A Brief Word From Johnn –> This Week’s Tips: 1. Communicate 2. Time Yourself 3. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance 4. Manage Initiative Smartly 5. Draw Maps Quickly 6. Limit Conversation 7….

Encounter Idea No. 11 – The Fortune Teller

No role-playing game is complete until you’ve had a fortune teller. Of course the fortune teller doesn’t have to be the typcial gypsy like woman you peers into a crystal ball, it could also be: – A child who “sees things” and is escorted by a protector or bodyguard (possibly related) – A elderly man…