RPG Blog Carnival

The RPG Blog Carnival 2021 Season is looking for hosts

The time has once again come when we look to the upcoming season for the RPG Blog Carnival and start the planning process. The first item on our list is to put the call out for hosts. There are many have hosted the Carnival over the years and we’ve had a variety of topics during…

October 2020 RPG Blog Carnival – Welcome to the Bazaar of the Bizarre!

October 2020 RPG Blog Carnival – Welcome to the Bazaar of the Bizarre!

It’s October and that means the the RPG Blog Carnival returns to its usual haunting grounds here at of Dice and Dragons. If you haven’t guessed yet, this year we’re going to take a different path and explore something not related to the Halloween holiday and delve into the Bazaar! The Bazaar of the Bizarre…

RPG Blog Carnival

With the New Year comes a New Carnival!

In the event you’ve been living under a rock, the calendar has flipped, a new year and a new decade has started but that’s not all! Our next blog carnival has started. The topic for the January 2020 carnival is Random Encounter Tables and it’s being hosted over at Geek Native. Be sure to head…

RPG Blog Carnival

The 2020 Carnival needs hosts!

Have you ever considered being a host for the RPG Blog Carnival? Well, now’s the time as signups have opened for the 2020 Carnival season! Checkout the RPG Blog Carnival page to read up on what you would need to do as a host (hint: it’s not a lot) and then click the link below…

Black cat in cemetary

From beyond the grave – October 2019 RPG Blog Carnival

It’s October and that means that the RPG Blog Carnival returns for another dose of spooky things that go bump in the night! This year our topic is ‘From beyond the Grave,’ which I know is a pretty open topic. There are many things that fall into this area, from the Force ghosts of Star…

RPG Blog Carnival

The RPG Blog Carnival Wants You!

Have you ever considered being a host for the RPG Blog Carnival? Well, now’s the time as signups have opened for the 2019 Carnival season! Checkout the RPG Blog Carnival page to read up on what you would need to do as a host (hint: it’s not a lot) and then click the link below…