Available online Role-playing Tips E-Zine Issues #366 and #367

In issue #366, Notes to the GM – What a Player Wants, Johnn departs from his usual format to give an issue which is centered around notes or requests from a player to the GM. Some rather interesting suggestions and ideas in the mix and a nice change of pace overall. In addition to the…

Latest Issues of Role-playing Tips E-zine Now Online

Over the weekend Johnn Four posted the last three issues of the Role-playing Tips E-zine the first two deal with encounters while the third deals with using a timeline. The first two issues #363, It’s About The Character, Not The Player Serving Up Characterization Encounters, Part 1 and #364, Encounter Tips: Characterization Encounters, Part 2…

Role-playing Tips E-Zine Issues #361 and #362 Now Online

Over the weekend Johnn Four posted the latest two issues of the Role-playing Tips E-zine Supernatural Weather, Part 1 & 2 The two issues combined are a great read, especially for those of us that like to do world-building. They start out with some interesting supernatural weather effects gathered from a discussion on the gmmastery…

Available Online – Role-playing Tips E-Zine Issue #360

Issue #360 of Role-playing Tips Weekly is available online – 9 Ways To Recruit New Players A couple of days ago I posted about issue #359 and while it was posted at the same time I held off mentioning #360 so that it wouldn’t be missed in a double post. Issue #360 takes aim at…

Role-playing Tips E-Zine Issue #359 is Now Online

Role-playing Tips Weekly issue #359 is available online – GM Organization – 5 Tips The bane of most GMs (including myself) is a lack of organization. Being able to find and use that piece of information, whether during a planning session or an actual game session is of major importance and Johnn tackles this topic…

Available Online – Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issue #358

Issue #358 of Role-playing Tips Weekly is available online – Know Your Players Part 2 – Building Your Session Checklist In part one of Know Your Players – Building Your Session Checklist Johnn emphasized how important it is to plan your sessions with your players in mind and how a series of checklists can be…